Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cactus In The Yard

I like just wandering around Connie & Bill's yard taking pictures of the cool cactus.

I particularly enjoy taking close-ups but they are constantly telling me "don't get too close" because they will, literally, jump out and stick you even if you don't touch them. So far I haven't had that happen, and I don't really want to prove them right and have them say "I told you so"!

Stay Tuned...

Lisa & Alan in Sun City West

Lisa & Alan flew in to Phoenix on Wednesday to attend a wedding in Scottsdale.

Connie rode with me to pick them up at the airport. Our timing was perfect. We were one minute away when Lisa called and said they were standing outside baggage claim ready for their chauffeured limo to pick them up.

We went back to Connie and Bill's for an afternoon visit on the 70 degree patio. Perfect!

Lisa & Alan have never seen Connie & Bill's place in Sun City West. We were happy to see them but were disappointed to discover Alan didn't bring any of his famous peanut brittle. T
oo much demand and not enough supply! So Sad. Maybe next year!

We just sat around on the patio and talked for a couple hours, then Connie and I took them out to their hotel in Scottsdale to attend all the long week-end wedding related festivities.

They're going to be sad when it's time to go back home to winter in Spokane. But, a short respite from the cold is better than no respite at all.

Stay tuned...


Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Christmas day with Connie and Bill included a relaxing morning lounging around and then opening presents.

After opening my awesome presents (and I got some really cool stuff) we got dressed up to go to the special music presentation at church.

Connie made a deal with me that if I did the turkey she would prepare the rest of the meal. I jumped at that offer. I prepared the turkey and had it in the oven before leaving for church.
After church, Connie went to work on preparing the rest of the meal. Things were going well until the turkey took longer to cook than I planned, so her part was ready before the turkey! Normally I am preparing the whole meal and schedule it all out, but I guess I'm not so good at the ala carte thing. LOL

While Connie worked on the rest of the dinner I sat around and read and felt guilty. I did offer to help some but she seemed to have a plan so I let her be.

The dinner was scrumptious and we enjoyed leftovers today, and will be for a few more days. Always a favorite bonus of Christmas dinner.

All is well,

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Road trip December 2011

I'm spending the holidays in Arizona with Connie and Bill. I miss Max, of course, but figure it would be good for me to spend time with family during the holidays.

I took the long way to Arizona in order to make a stop in Spokane to see Lisa & Alan and then a stop in Salt Lake City to spend some time with Lana.

I originally planned to leave home on the 14th but thought better of that as I watched the weather reports. I decided leaving a couple days later should give me smooth sailing for the whole trip. My planned worked!

I drove to Spokane on Friday the
16th. It was foggy during my time there but we had a good time. We went out to dinner, and hung out with their friends. Lisa introduced me to her addiction to "Words With Friends", an online
form of scrabble. I have cursed her ever since because, not only do I play too much... I lose a lot!

Alan gave me a peanut brittle making lesson which was fun. He's a master!

I left Spokane on Sunday morning, headed to Salt Lake City. I stayed in Mountain Home, Idaho Sunday night then made it to SLC late Monday afternoon.

Lana took me down to Temple Square that night to enjoy the holiday decorations. We spent a little time walking around the Grande Hotel, then to Temple Square, then back to the Grand Hotel for a light dinner.

On Tuesday I took Lana (she drove) for a birthday pedicure and manicure. Lana's birthday is December 22nd and always gets cheated
because it's so close to Christmas.

Anyway, that was fun. Then we met her friend Diana, at Mimi' for lunch. I enjoyed spending time with Diana and getting to know here a little better.

On Wednesday morning I warmed up the car and pointed it toward Connie & Bill's (in Sun City West, Arizona). I made it as far as Las Vegas that day. I wanted to take a few pictures around town but made the mistake of laying down on my hotel bed and fell asleep until 11:30 p.m. I wasn't going trotting about Las Vegas by myself at that time of night. I wasn't so worried about me, but I surely didn't want anything happening to my precious camera! LOL

I arrived at Connie & Bill's late Thursday afternoon and have been settling in ever since. I have my own room and bathroom and wireless internet... so what more could a girl ask for? I may never leave... that is until I know the weather at home has warmed up!

Connie & Bill are both doing well. Connie is still recovering from her back surgery. All is good except she struggles with muscle spasms. I think ongoing muscle therapy would help. It sure did for me!

Bill seems to be responding well to his chemotherapy and blood transfusion. He's in good spirits and more active than I've seen him in a long time!

Today is Christmas Eve, so I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Stay tuned for more adventures...

Road trip December 2011

I'm spending the holidays in Arizona with Connie and Bill. I miss Max, of course, but figure it would be good for me to spend time with family during the holidays.

I took the long way to Arizona in order to make a stop in Spokane to see Lisa & Alan and then a stop in Salt Lake City to spend some time with Lana.

I originally planned to leave home on the 14th but thought better of that as I watched the weather reports. I decided leaving a couple days later should give me smooth sailing for the whole trip. My planned worked!

I drove to Spokane on Friday the
16th. It was foggy during my time there but we had a good time. We went out to dinner, and hung out with their friends. Lisa introduced me to her addiction to "Words With Friends", an online
form of scrabble. I have cursed her ever since because, not only do I play too much... I lose a lot!

Alan gave me a peanut brittle making lesson which was fun. He's a master!

I left Spokane on Sunday morning, headed to Salt Lake City. I stayed in Mountain Home, Idaho Sunday night then made it to SLC late Monday afternoon.

Lana took me down to Temple Square that night to enjoy the holiday decorations. We spent a little time walking around the Grande Hotel, then to Temple Square, then back to the Grand Hotel for a light dinner.

On Tuesday I took Lana (she drove) for a birthday pedicure and manicure. Lana's birthday is December 22nd and always gets cheated
because it's so close to Christmas.

Anyway, that was fun. Then we met her friend Diana, at Mimi' for lunch. I enjoyed spending time with Diana and getting to know here a little better.

On Wednesday morning I warmed up the car and pointed it toward Connie & Bill's (in Sun City West, Arizona). I made it as far as Las Vegas that day. I wanted to take a few pictures around town but made the mistake of laying down on my hotel bed and fell asleep until 11:30 p.m. I wasn't going trotting about Las Vegas by myself at that time of night. I wasn't so worried about me, but I surely didn't want anything happening to my precious camera! LOL

I arrived at Connie & Bill's late Thursday afternoon and have been settling in ever since. I have my own room and bathroom and wireless internet... so what more could a girl ask for? I may never leave... that is until I know the weather at home has warmed up!

Connie & Bill are both doing well. Connie is still recovering from her back surgery. All is good except she struggles with muscle spasms. I think ongoing muscle therapy would help. It sure did for me!

Bill seems to be responding well to his chemotherapy and blood transfusion. He's in good spirits and more active than I've seen him in a long time!

Today is Christmas Eve, so I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Stay tuned for more adventures...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

When Does It Get Better?

It's been over 6 months since Max passed away and I'm still trying to get motivated. It's not that I don't have anything to do! I just can't get motivated to do much of anything.

I MAKE myself get out of the house and go "somewhere" (anywhere) at least once a day. Sometimes it's just to the store, or something to eat. Sometimes I go for an aimless drive.

I have a lot of photographic magazines to read and educational CDs I want to watch but, instead I just waste time watching TV, napping and not doing much of anything.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dear Max

My Dear Maximilliano,
I'm sure you already know how much I miss you. I miss your sweet spirit and your shy, dry sense of humor. I miss kissing you good morning and goodnight and all the times in between. I miss everything about you.

I am so grateful we weren't shy about expressing our love and appreciation for each other. I felt total unconditional love and contentment with you. There must be other couples who were devoted to each other like we were/are... but it is hard for me to imagine. I just think we were so special and I am glad we had so many years together.

We had a pretty amazing life together, didn't we?

I will always treasure our time together and the memories we share. I know you are free and happy now in the loving care of our Lord and Savior. I am praying for guidance until we can be together again.

Love always,
Your Sta. Carolina


The Bee Gees song "How D0 You Mend a Broken Heart" keeps playing in my head.

How does a person "adjust" to life when the focus of life for the last 30 years is gone?

I am struggling to find a new identify, purpose, passion since Max's death. He can never be replaced, of course. I must treasure the time we had together and see if I can move on in search for something that can give me even a small percentage of the happiness I felt with him. I felt totally content with Max... even in the last several months when he was bedridden.

As I move on, I am trying to keep busy at home and doing some traveling to occupy my mind and pursue my interest in photography. I'd like to figure out how to make a little extra money with my pictures.

I spent a long Thanksgiving week end at Lincoln City, Oregon with my cousin Shirley and her friend Richard. The weather was surprisingly good, considering the forecast.

Lincoln City is located on the beautiful Oregon coast at the 45th parallel. I had a bit of a challenge getting there because of a storm that came in the day before I arrived. Hwy 18 was closed due to fallen trees across the road so I took a detour that was only an extra 1/2 hour or so of travel time.

I spent a week on Maui, Hawaii with a friend in late October, thanks to the purchase of a condo at a charity auction. We did tours via land, sea and air. Maui is an amazingly diverse island, with rainfall ranging from 395 inches per year on the Hana side of the island down to 10 inches on the Kihei side (where we stayed). I like staying on the dry side and visiting the wet side! :-)

The trip was bittersweet and, although I enjoyed the trip very much, I can't shake the feeling of loneliness without Max.

I know grieving is a very individual and personal journey. I acknowledge how truly blessed my life is, having had a marriage to the love of my life... and, now, a good support group to help me through.

I joined a widow grief group in Wenatchee, but will be heading to Arizona to spend Christmas with Max's sister and brother-in-law. Not sure how long I'll be gone, so I'll miss a lot of our weekly meetings. I'm not sure if I will try to locate a group in Arizona or just take up when I return.

Stay tuned...


The Bee Gees song "How D0 You Mend a Broken Heart" keeps playing in my head.

How does a person "adjust" to life when the focus of life for the last 30 years is gone?

I am struggling to find a new identify, purpose, passion since Max's death. He can never be replaced. I will merely treasure the time we had together and see if I can move on in search for something that can give me even a small percentage of the happiness I felt with him. I felt totally content with Max... even in the last several months when he was bedridden.

As I move on, I am trying to keep busy at home and doing some traveling to occupy my mind and pursue my interest in photography. I'd like to figure out how to make a little extra money with my pictures.

I spent a long Thanksgiving
week-end at Lincoln City, Oregon with my cousin Shirley and her friend Richard. The weather was surprisingly good, considering the forecast.

I spent a week on Maui, Hawaii with a friend in late October, thanks to the purchase of a condo at a charity auction. We did tours via land, sea and air.

I know grieving is a very individual and personal journey. I acknowledge how truly blessed my life still is and yet I can't shake the depression and loneliness, in spite of a good support group of family and friends.

I joined a widow grief group in Wenatchee, but I will be heading to Arizona to spend Christmas with Max's sister and brother-in-law. Not sure how long I'll be gone, so I'll miss a lot of our weekly meetings so I'm not sure if I will try to locate a group in Arizona or just take up when I return.

Stay tuned...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hawaii October 23-30, 2011

I enjoyed a week-long trip to Maui in October. I thought about Max a lot and how he would have enjoyed the beautiful scenery and warm climate.

A 1-hour ride in a helicopter was a great visual on the am
azing diversity of the eco systems on this volcanic island.
Here is a link to info about the volcano of Maui.

On the Kihei side of the island, where I stayed, there are about 10 inches of rain annually. On the Hana side of the island, there are about 390 inches of rain annually. Talk about diverse!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time is Marching On

Since my last post over a month ago, I arrived back home from Phoenix safely, have been to Portland for a 3 day Photography workshop and done a little work!

On my way home from Phoenix, I stopped in Salt Lake City, Utah to stay overnight with our daughter Lana. She took me to Temple Square and we spent the evening wandering around the grounds, and touring the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (which used to be the Hotel Utah) where we had dinner on the top floor. We enjoyed a fabulous view of the Temple from our table. It was just turning dark so we got to see the transition to the lights coming on at night. Beautiful!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Max and Carol

Today would be my 28th wedding anniversary to my beloved husband, Max. I plan to continue to celebrate! We had an amazing life together and I continue to feel blessed to have shared so many years as his devoted wife.

If I hadn't experienced it myself, I probably wouldn't have believed anyone could love someone as much as I loved (and still love) Max. He wasn't a perfect man and I certainly am not a perfect woman but we were perfect for each other!

September 10, 1983 was the first day of the happiest days of my life with Max. He is still with me everywhere... because there are reminders of him wherever I go and whatever I do. When I read a menu in a restaurant, I know exactly what he would have ordered. When I pour a coke, I remember we used to share. When I get in our car, I feel him next to me. When I take a trip, I remember all our wonderful trips together. When I hear Johnny Cash, I remember how Max used to love listening to him for hours. When I see Macaroni and Cheese, I think of him. When I see cowboy boots I think of Max. When I see an old car, I think of how Max loved his classic cars. He loved cars in general. He is, literally, everywhere... every day!

So, even tho he is not here in body he is definitely here in spirit!

Happy Anniversary to Max and Carol !

Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

More on Summer in Phoenix

Have you ever wondered why people leave Phoenix in the summer? I had never even been to Phoenix in the summer (until now) but I do watch the Weather channel and I never felt compelled to go there (until now).

There is no such thing as a cold shower here because even the water coming out of the pipes in the ground is warm. Ugh.

The one good thing I can say about the Phoenix area in the summer is that your coffee never gets cold!

I'm enjoying being with Connie and Bill but I AM looking forward to getting back home and enjoying my favorite season of the year... FALL in Wenatchee!

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Phoenix in the Summer... Ugh!

Phoenix isn't a place I would actually choose to go to in the summer, but the call to help family sent me here anyway.

Max's sister, Connie, had back surgery on August 29th so I left home August 24th to come help during her hospital stay and recovery. She had back surgery in late December too, so this is her second major back surgery in less than a year... no small task to recover from, physically or emotionally.

The picture here is Connie and her brother Max (my late husband) taken a few years ago at a play we attended in the Palm Spring area. Max's birthday was August 24th, which was a fitting day for me to leave... paying tribute to him through coming to take care of his beloved sister,

Along with Connie's husband, Bill, it is my job to help her in any way possible. You can pretty much sum my job description up as a "go-fer" or "slave" to her every whim. :-) She's getting up and around, with the aid of a walker (Max's walker) but needs to rest a lot while those muscles and nerves and incision heal.

She's actually doing quite well under the circumstances but going for 6 weeks without bending, twisting or lifting is a tall order. Her first follow up appointment with the surgeon is this coming Thursday, so we are all anxious for that day.

I took 3 days to drive down to Sun City, Arizona. I think every day since my arrival, up until today, has been 110 or more! As much as I enjoy the weather here in the winter, I detest this kind of incessant heat even more. I will take Wenatchee's 4 seasons any time... winter and all.

On the trip down, I particularly enjoyed the part of the drive through southern Utah. I'm anxious to get back there when I have time to actually go to Zion and Bryce... with camera in hand. Eventually I'd like to get back to the Grand Canyon as well.

I am also anxious to get back to Wenatchee to enjoy the beautiful Fall season, which is my absolute favorite.

That's all for now.

Stay tuned...

Monday, September 5, 2011

May - August, 2011

As mentioned in my first post, my husband died on May 22nd of this year. It's been an interesting 3 months.

I've gone through serious withdrawal from Max's physical presence in my life. He was such a truly sweet spirit and a total joy to be around, in spite of his declining health. I've seriously thought I could never be happy again. It's been difficult for me to even talk about him without crying. But, I think with each new day that gets a little better.

I've cut way back on my work load and seriously considering totally retiring from real estate. My passion is gone. I need to find a new focus, a new passion. I want to pursue new challenges.

I've always had an interest in photography so I am going to pursue that in some form or another. I signed up for a 3 day workshop in Portland for late September. We'll see where that leads me.

Stay tuned...

Lives 1 thru 4

It seems appropriate that my first post should explain why I titled this blog "My 5th Life".

I've often said, with life's constant changes. we go into new chapters of life from time to time... but my life seems bigger than chapters so I'm declaring multiple lives (with lots of chapters in each).

My 1st life began on April 7, 1952 when I was born. It lasted until I was 12. My Mom died when I was 7 and my Dad died in May of 1964.

My 2nd life began when my Dad died in 1964 and my brother and I went to live with our Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Orval. This was my Dad's brother and his wife.

My 3rd life began when I moved to Wenatchee, Washington in June of 1970, at the age of 19. This was my single, independent life.

My 4th life began on September 10, 1983 when I married, Max, the love of my life. That amazing life ended on May 22nd, 2011 when Max passed away.

Hence, my 5th life has begun. I could probably write a book on each life but I won't. I did run a blog on my 4th life (with Max) for a a few years. That can be found at: . What a life we had together!

My hope and prayer is to, eventually, find new purpose to my life without Max's physical presence.

My one last thought for this post is that I can't help but hope I'm not a reincarnated cat. I don't think I want to live a total of 9 lives! I'm hoping 5 will be enough then I can go be with Max again and live, as the Fairy Tales promise, happily ever after!

Stay tuned...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chapter 1

Since the death of my husband, the love of my life, on May 22nd of this year, I've been struggling to find a new purpose. He was my true passion and I need a new passion, a reason to keep going.